I am still amazed that I stumbled across them by pure accident. It was way back on the pre-Sacrament days when I bought As the Palaces Burn by complete accident at a concert. It was some time later hat I actually gave he album some solid listening time, from there, there was no looking back. Here they are now, six albums into their career with still so much potential laid out in front of them.
It has been three years since we last got a new album from them, with the in between time filled with a three disk career retrospective. Hourglass was the collection and while it was a great collection of songs, I questioned its purpose. I was actually scared that I was signaling the end of the band. Fortunately, that was not the case.
Rest assured, Lamb of God endures and with Resolution have turned out an amazing collection of forward thinking, yet classic, LoG metal. It is actually pretty funny. You see, I really liked Wrath, but Resolution has made me rethink that last album somewhat. This new release seems to be a world above what they did there. Don't get me wrong, Wrath has some great tracks on it, but Resolution is easily the best thing they have done in years. No doubt about it. This one definitely stands shoulder to shoulder with As the Palaces Burn and Ashes of the Wake.
Resolution sees Lamb of God taking all of the places they have been and pushing them further. There is a bit more of pseudo-singing style appearing here, ala "Redneck." rest assured, it works and fits the songs and does not sap any of he heaviness from them. There is also a few tracks that would feel right at home among their earlier albums, save for their stronger production values. Not only that,here is even the inclusion of some orchestral stuff on the album's final track.
Resolution starts off with the very roomy sounding cut "Straight for he Sun." it has an unmistakable sound of them, but it is a touch sludgier and much more ominous. It closes with a drunk runs rom Chris Adler and leads right into "Desolation," which really reminds me of "Walk with Me in Hell." it has an old school feel with better production.
Track four is their first single, "Ghost Walking." This cut has that rough, raw feeling we have come to expect from them, but there is something else going on here. From the opening acoustic bit I recognized there was something familiar yet different. The answer is simple, Lamb of God is growing, maturing and bringing their new found influences, and ideas bought with experience to the table and it is showing through in their writing.
This album covers all sorts of ground. Consider the punk/old Pantera styling of "Cheated" and the tech-metal opening of the wonderfully titled "Terminally Unique." They have all kinds of things going on here. Over the course of 14 songs and 54 minutes, Lamb of God put everything out on the table.
Speaking of putting it all on the table, they do that with the album's closing epic, "King Me." Opening with atmospheric spoken word, guitars, and orchestra, this is a departure from what we expect from them. Fear not, the song kicks in soon enough with signature growls and staccato riffs to die for before blending them into a cacophonous creation that sees Lamb of God experimenting and coming out winning on the other side.
Randy Blythe has rarely sounded this focused and powerful. The guy must have a throat made of style to pull off all of those screams and growls and still be able to speak. No one sounds like this guy. Chris Adler is a beast on the kit, he is all over that thing making sure there is always that forward motion and sounding unique doing it. He is one of the drummers who helped open my eyes to what a good metal drummer can sound like. Willie Adler and Mark Morton and Willie Adler prove, once again, a force to be reckoned with. They have a tone I have never heard anywhere else, and they have the riffs to bash your head in. Rounding out the band is bassist John Campbell, filling out the back end and adding to the crushing sound they have honed over the years.
In all seriousness, I love this album. It is one I have been able to listen to a lot and not grow bored with it. This is a band to pay attention to. They have a great following, but can always use more. If you are into metal and don't know or listen to Lamb of God, shame on you!
Highly Recommended.
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