August 5, 2015

Monstermania 31 is Over....

Another Monstermania is in the rearview. These weekends are always sad to see fade away into the history books. They are among my favorite events of the year and this past one (my tenth) is right up there with the best of them. Besides having a phenomenal guest list, I got to see old friends, make new friends, and just have an all around great weekend escaping from reality. From Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon I do not have to think of anything outside the walls of that hotel. Sure, it is not exactly designed for healthy eating, but so what? There is fun to be had.

What you are going to see below is a selection of photos from the weekend followed by any stories or notes related. I have decided not to recount the whole weekend. Suffice to say, I met a lot of cool celebrities, hung out with friends, both new and old, picked up some merchandise, and took a lot of photos. I highly recommend you head out to one of their events to see what they are really like, you won't be disappointed.

Obviously, you have to start with the obligatory hotel shot!

Upon walking in, one of your first sights is this big Grim Reaper statue.

The first guest I met was Mitch Pileggi star of Shocker, The X-Files, and Sons of Anarchy. Very nice fellow.

That face I am making while Kane Hodder is choking me? Not fake. He gets a good grip. While waiting in line, I saw someone bring a DVD of Emergency! for him to sign, he had this big smile on his face as he said he had never signed that before. I also saw someone try to have him sign a picture of Ken Kirzinger behind the mask, that was a funny moment. Finally, I had a moment as he asked me who he was in Star Trek, to which I said a Jem'hadar soldier in the finale of DS9, he then told me he actually did a few episodes of stunt work. This was my fourth time meeting him, I can always find something for him to sign.

Seth Gilliam of The Walking Dead, Oz, The Wire, and Teen Wolf (series). Nice fellow who seemed to be having a blast talking with the fans. He also is a Mets fan and we talked baseball for a few minutes.

Gerritt Graham of Phantom of the Paradise, Child's Play 2, and a few of the Star Trek series.

Bill Moseley is one of the coolest guys on the circuit. He has been in a ton of great films and always ready to talk to fans, and take free pictures. I did not have anything to get signed this time, but my sister did, so I took advantage to get another picture with him.

Here is a man I have wanted to meet for a while now, Brad Dourif. He has been in a ton of films including Rob Zombie's Halloween films, The Lord of the Rings, and is the voice of Chucky in Child's Play.

I am not sure I will ever get tired of meeting Danielle Harris. This was my third time meeting her and she is as lovely and gracious as ever. She has been in Halloween 4, Halloween 5, Rob Zombie's Halloween 1 and 2, Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead, Free Willy, The Last Boy Scout, Daylight, Stakeland, Hatchet 2 and 3, See No Evil 2, and more. While talking with her about Hatchet, she told us she had auditioned for Hatchet, but did not get it, but then director Adam Green realized his mistake.

Pretty sweet Governor costume.

George Wilbur, what a great guy. He played Michael Myers in Halloween 4 and 6, did stunts for Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, and used to double for John Wayne!

COBRA was onsite recruiting.

Here is a guy I am glad to have gotten to meet again. Sid Haig was at the first convention I ever went to four years ago. He is a guy who is all about the fans. He was the one guy who had a line the entire weekend, never took a break, and was always there talking to fans. He has had an amazing career and been in so many great films. It was fun listening to him recite lines from his films,

Voice actor extraordinaire, Roger Jackson. He was a pretty nice guy, who loved to slip into the Ghostface voice, telling my sister to be careful of the autograph and let it dry, so as "Not to get blood on your hands." (he signed with a red paint pen).

Here is my sister meeting Haruo Nakajima, the original Godzilla suit actor. I had met him previously, but it was cool seeing him again. He is one of the most gracious and unassuming people I have seen, proud of his work and happy to have had such an impact around the world.

Malcolm McDowell, a rather laid back guy who has had an amazing career. It was funny listen to him comment on all the Clockwork Orange penises he had just signed.

John Tempesta, drummer for White Zombie's Astro Creep album. He has also spent time with Testament, Exodus, Scum of the Earth, Rob Zombie, Helmet, and most recently The Cult.

Sean Yseult, bass player for White Zombie. She was having a blast at the convention.

JayYuenger. guitar player for White Zombie. This was his first convention as a guest and loving it. I had a great chat with him, learning that he works for Waxwork Records remastering music for vinyl release. This includes the recent vinyl release of Friday the 13th Part 2.

Godzilla cake at the VIP party.

How cool is it to see the original Godzilla posing next to a cake?

All three of the VIP cakes.

Neve Campbell and Skeet Uhlrich getting ready to cut the Scream cake.

White Zombie getting ready to cut the cake!

Hanging with Ross Marquand from The Walking Dead.

I was able to get all the White Zombie guys together in one place!

Here I am with Alex Vincent, aka Andy Barclay from Child's Play, and yes, I know my wrist strap got in the way.

Me and Dave Ellefson of Megadeth!

Always watch out for Pennywise!

Here are a pair of writers for Almost too much for one picture.


Bin Furuya (Ultraman), Haruo Nakajima (Godzilla), and Tsutomo Kitagawa (Godzilla) at the end of their panel. This was a great panel, where we learned how they came upon the roles and what it was like working inside a suit. These guys seem oblivious to their fame, but they are very appreciative of their fans.

Adrian Kali Turner from The Walking Dead and Bad Teacher.

Danielle Harris and George Wilbur at the Halloween 4 panel.

Danielle Harris.

Malcolm McDowell moderates his own panel. He was hysterical as he told stories of Halloween, A Clockwork Orange, and other projects.

The Scream panel:

Roger Jackson.

Neve Campbell.

Skeet Uhlrich.

The Ecto-1 made an appearance.

My friends Nico and Rachelle got engaged during the opening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Saturday night.

Do you have the droids we're looking for?

When GRiN is around, a selfie must be taken.

Chris, the man behind Quiltface Studios, at his table showing off his new Absurd vinyl.

The art of Joel Robinson.

Hanging with filmmaker Rob Dimension.

Here I am with artist Joel Robinson.

My sister with Denis O'Hare of American Horror Story and True Blood.

George Wendt, Norm from Cheers!

The Yorkie Auction!

The Circus Rejects truck!

It's Star Lord, man, legendary outlaw.

Dan, the man behind Inked Up Merch rocking a Hudson Horror Show shirt.

Talented artist Frank Casutto and his team.


Godzilla with Haruo Nakajima and Tsutomo Kitagawa.


What a great convention. So many great memories and good friends. I cannot wait until the next one.

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