I first saw the movie somewhere in the vicinity of 20-years ago. I recall picking it up at a video rental shop, attracted to those things you would as a young horror fan, the title and Barker’s name. I don’t remember much from that initial viewing other than that I was little underwhelmed. I revisited it a few years back and found that I liked it a good deal more, not to say it is a classic, but my expanded horror experience lent me a new perspective. Now, I have gotten to further that experience and see it in a theater with an audience. It was a new 4K restoration and I daresay this is the best it has ever looked and seeing it again, I think it is a fair amount better than I remembered.
As the movie opens, we are introduced to a farmer trying to clear a field of this stone monolith that looks suspiciously like a penis. They never comment on this or why such a structure would be there, they make no reference to it even being put there, but clearly it is not a natural formation. Anyway, he gets the pillar toppled just as a storm arrives, lightning strikes the fallen penis rock and from beneath the surface erupts the monstrous Rawhead Rex, looking something like a demonic Monchichi doll. He roars and kills the farmer before beginning to move towards the nearby town.
The town is being visited by a vacationing American family. Howard Hallenbeck (David Dukes), is an author writing a book on persistence of religious locations and has brought his family along with him. He comes across this small Christian church that was not always Christian, it has its origins in Paganism. Fascinated by this he starts to research it just as Rawhead Rex begins killing folks. It turns out this was his land dating back to pre-Christianity and he had been imprisoned beneath that rock, now Rex is back to kill the non-believers and restore his flock.
On one level this is just another rubber faced monster killing people that would be right in line with the slasher cycle that was running through domestic horror at the time. Rawhead is a big, imposing creature that while not having much in the way of facial expression, is able to evoke some fear in the audience. He was played by a 6’11” actor Heinrich von Schellendorf and has quite the screen presence. He lumbers around ripping farmers and townsfolk limb from limb, trashing kitchens and overturning cars, all while staring you down with his red eyes.
However, on another level it takes aim at religion, as Barker has been known to do, pointing at how Christianity sort of steam rolls over local religions and tradition to assimilate the population. And also how easily those in power can be corrupted while the everyday folks are left to try and repel them. This is evidenced by the Rex hypnotizing a few people into doing his bidding. They become willing to die for him in a blink of an eye and are even baptized by urination!
It is true that Rawhead Rex is a bit of a mess and never really comes into complete focus. There are bits and pieces that are pretty interesting, but when it comes right down to it, it is little more than a rubber monster movie. It does stand out a bit because of the underlying themes, but they are not enough to allow the film to transcend its genre. However, it is also these elements and the vigor with which the monster goes about its business that makes it worthwhile. He may look a like a demonic Monchichi crossed with the ultimate warrior, but he also does not rely on darkness to do his killing, he is powerful enough to do it in broad daylight.
Rawhead Rex was directed by George Pavlou, who has only directed three films, including Underworld (1985), also written by Clive Barker. Now, could this film have benefited from a director with more vision? Perhaps Barker himself? Yes, I think this story has the potential to be quite interesting and terrifying given a budget and vision. I think this is a movie that would be worth revisiting with a remake, go back and fix what was there. Still, as it is, it is worth checking out as it is a nice mix of horror and story, a cheeseball mixture of potential. It can get under your skin while it is making you laugh at its absurdity.

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